Quick And Healthy Tuna Dish

This is ideal for when you know your gonna need dinner in a hurry.

Posted by GreenLeaf


Time is for preparation and cooking not time for marinading, you could cook the tuna plain with some black pepper ground over and a dash of lemon juice, this would make everything ready in 15mins or less!
For the vegetables I shopped around for small packs of special offer or discounted, approx 2 handfuls per portion, remember it will reduce slightly once cooked.
It is best to marinade for at least 1 hour, but if I know I am in a rush I will do it the night before.


You Will Need (10 things)

  • 2 fresh Tuna steaks
  • 1 Food Bag
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 3 tsp dried Basil
  • 3 tsp dried Parsley
  • 1 tsp dried Oregano
  • 1 tsp dried Rosemary
  • 1 tsp ground Black Pepper
  • a mixture of stir fry Vegetables carrot, green beans, baby corn, baby plumb tomatoes, oyster mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Steps (4 steps, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    If you are marinading like me.

    Open up your plastic bag and place all herbs, pepper and lemon juice then gently rub to mix.

    Place the tuna steaks into the bag one at a time covering both sides of each with the mixture.

    Seal the bag and place in your fridge until you need it, Remember to note the use by date!

  2. 2

    For speed use to pans ie. frying pan + wok.

    Put 1 tbsp oil into a pan once hot carefully add the tuna steaks.

    Cook for 2-3 mins on each side until the inside is cooked not pink. Thick steaks are better grilled.

  3. 3

    Add the remaining oil to your other pan.

    Rinse your vegetables and add to the pan and cook stiring frequenty.

  4. 4

    once the tuna is done, place the steaks onto a plate and add the vegetables to the side.