Cut Out + Keep

Quick And Easy Avocado Snack

...for when in need for a nom... • Posted by FrolleinKram

This, my dear reader, is probably the best snack in the world. Let me take you through it step by step. :)

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0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium avodish 07


This, my dear reader, is probably the best snack in the world. Let me take you through it step by step. :)


  1. Small avodish 02

    Cut your avocado in half, remove the peel and the kernel (?). Try to make sure that the avocado is ripe enough so it's soft, a very hard avocado is not really suitable for this. You could keep the kernel and try to grow a plant. :D

  2. Small avodish 03

    Mash the avocado up with a fork and add some cream cheese or yoghurt*. Mix. Add spices to your preference, pepper, salt, herbs, garlic, anything goes. (* apparently what we german people call Joghurt is not the same as the stuff americans call yoghurt. o.O If you wanna go safe, use cream cheese...)

  3. Small avodish 01

    Cut one or two slices of bread into stripes.

  4. Small avodish 04

    In a pan, melt some butter - or use olive oil, though I really do prefer butter for this recipe.

  5. Small avodish 05

    At medium heat, let the bread stripes fry a little so they get slightly darker and crispy.

  6. Small avodish 06

    Dip the slices in to the avocado cream dip - and om nom nom.