• Posted by Caz
I made this friendly little Queen's Guard for a recent London project. He is made from felt and measures 17cm tall.
I made this friendly little Queen's Guard for a recent London project. He is made from felt and measures 17cm tall.
Cut out all pattern pieces - PDF attached
Jacket Front Sew white belt piece to front of jacket. Sew yellow belt buckle in place, Arms & Gloves Slightly overlap sleeve cuff over top edge of glove and sew in place. Repeat with second sleeve and glove
Attaching arms Using the picture as reference place the arm pieces on top on the front jacket piece. Sew down the inside section of the arm only leaving the glove and outer section of the arm free.
Front Trousers Slightly overlap the jacket piece over the top of the trouser piece and sew in place. Shoes Slightly overlap the trouser piece over the top of the shoe piece and sew in place.
Face Using the picture as a guide glue the nose to face piece . Using black embroidery thread sew on a smile. Hat Slightly overlap the hat piece over the top of the face piece and sew in place.
Attaching Head Slightly overlap the face piece over the top of the front jacket piece and sew in place.
Jacket detail Using backstitch sew down the centre of the jacket. Sew yellow buttons in place.
Jacket Back Sew white belt piece to back of jacket. Back Trousers Slightly overlap the jacket piece over the top of the trouser piece and sew in place.
Shoes Slightly overlap the trouser piece over the top of the shoe piece and sew in place. Hat Slightly overlap the hat piece over the top of the hair piece and sew in place
Attaching Head Slightly overlap the hair piece over the top of the back jacket piece and sew in place.
Sewing together With wrong sides together starting at the bottom corner of his shoe sew around the guard using an over-stitch leaving the soles of his shoes open for stuffing. Stuff the guard lightly with toy filling and sew gap closed.