Cut Out + Keep

Queen Bee Nails

Hot Brown Honey inspired nail art! • Posted by Cat Morley

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Nice & Simple
Medium 114862 2f2016 08 23 093851 nails Medium 114862 2f2016 08 23 093853 img 0205



  1. Small 114862 2f2016 08 23 093209 img 0175

    You'll need some silver confetti for this. Luckily we were showered in it during the show.

  2. Small 114862 2f2016 08 23 093240 img 0176

    Cut the confetti into squares and then trim off the corners to make hexagons to look like honeycombs.

  3. Small 114862 2f2016 08 23 093244 img 0177

    Paint your nails with gold polish.

  4. Small 114862 2f2016 08 23 093250 img 0180

    Attach the honeycombs and a few yellow gems.

  5. Small 114862 2f2016 08 23 093301 img 0182

    When dry, write Don't on one hand and Touch on the other with a nail art pen.

  6. Small 114862 2f2016 08 23 093906 img 0205

    Paint with topcoat and leave to dry.