Cut Out + Keep


Cute and Easy Purses! • Posted by Sly Fox

I made these purses from some cute scraps of fabric left over from other projects. The Pattern is self made and they came out really nicely. They're big enough to throw a wallet and some sunglasses and a couple other things in and go. Nice for Summer and Spring.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 6531 124486654264 658674264 2127277 7568376 n 1257766114 Medium 6531 124486659264 658674264 2127278 3479888 n 1257766125 Medium 6531 124486674264 658674264 2127279 3078516 n 1257766143 Medium 6531 124485269264 658674264 2127261 5030870 n 1257766154 Medium 6531 124485274264 658674264 2127262 5172485 n 1257766164


I made these purses from some cute scraps of fabric left over from other projects. The Pattern is self made and they came out really nicely. They're big enough to throw a wallet and some sunglasses and a couple other things in and go. Nice for Summer and Spring.
