Purple Perler Keyboard Charms

sorry.. you can't play these.

Posted by [dancing*in*the*rain*]


I saw these here but i can't seem to find them again. So here you go. One day they will be made into earrings. Like music to my ears. (haha):P



You Will Need (6 things)

  • Perler Beads
  • 1 Pegboard
  • Wax Paper
  • Iron
  • Ironing Board
  • Patience

Steps (7 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    Lay the beads out on a perler board. Mine were 4x7 beads.

  2. 2

    Cover them in wax paper. Plug in your iron.

  3. 3

    Iron for about 30 seconds on a medium heat. (iron until they stick to the paper.)

  4. 4

    take them off of the perler board by picking up the paper.

  5. 5

    flip paper over and iron that side until it sticks.

  6. 6

    peel off of paper and DONT BURN YOURSELF!!

  7. 7

    to show you how big mine were, heres a standard size clothes-pin.
    thanks for looking!