• Posted by Gingerbread1992
Found a cheap old box and decided to give it a make over. But I had no money so decided to upcycle using old DVD's and glue. I was very pleased with the results!
Found a cheap old box and decided to give it a make over. But I had no money so decided to upcycle using old DVD's and glue. I was very pleased with the results!
First you need to take your box (I was fortunate to have a cheap old box already, but you can buy them very cheap, or make one yourself from thick card) and paint a base onto the box. I used black because it really brings out the colour of the mosaic, but you can use any colour that takes your fancy!
While the paint is drying, take a strong pair of scissors and cut up the DVDs/CDs roughly. (The great thing about the blank DVD's that I used is that they are made of 2 layers, the mirror base and a purple plastic on the top which gave the mosaic a lovely purple sheen)
When the paint on the box is dry, you can start glueing your pieces one side at a time. Practise laying out each piece of disk before glueing, starting at the edges. Then use PVA glue and press each piece onto the surface. This can be time consuming but gives excellent and accurate results. When you have finished gluing one side, paint a top coat of glue over the mosaic to prevent chipping. Wait to dry and then move on to the next side. Before you know it, you will have a gorgeous mirror box :-D
Please note: this is a project that requires some patience, and obviously you need to be careful about the small shards of disk that you cut (make sure that you pick up all small pieces afterwards, especially if you have children or pets with you)