Cut Out + Keep

Pumpkin Spice/Vanilla Lip Balm

Smells so good you'll want to eat it. Don't do that though. • Posted by Sleaze D P Ridgway

My friend Ms. Meow is having a birthday BBQ this weekend, normally I'm too cheap to buy people something but she's making sure everyone smokes OUTSIDE so we can bring Gunnar (our baby). He's 4 months May 1st (yes, he was born January 1st, he's goin' to have some AWESOME parties when he's older), and we rarely get to see anyone anymore so I really appreciate her for doing this. So, I'm going to make some stuff (especially kitty themed things!). I looked around for lip balms to make and decided to make my own creation with advice from other how-tos.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium img00964 20110428 2217 1304044629


My friend Ms. Meow is having a birthday BBQ this weekend, normally I'm too cheap to buy people something but she's making sure everyone smokes OUTSIDE so we can bring Gunnar (our baby). He's 4 months May 1st (yes, he was born January 1st, he's goin' to have some AWESOME parties when he's older), and we rarely get to see anyone anymore so I really appreciate her for doing this. So, I'm going to make some stuff (especially kitty themed things!). I looked around for lip balms to make and decided to make my own creation with advice from other how-tos.


  1. Small img00956 20110428 2201 1304045063

    Gather your supplies. I unfortunately only had Vaseline laying around. The company itself, or the company that owns the brand tests on animals. This is no good. Fortunately, I had Body Shop red lipstick laying around. Body Shop does not test on animals! My husband and roommates like to drink so I conveniently found two caps to put the balm in, and two to close them up.

  2. Small img00952 20110428 2155 1304045625

    Put the jelly into a microwaveable dish. I just estimated how much I'd need. Microwave for a minute and see how much it has melted. I think I ended up microwaving it for 5-6 minutes total checking every minute.

  3. Small img00957 20110428 2203 1304045765

    Shave off a bit of the lipstick, you don't need much but the more you use the more red it will be. I did this while the microwave was doing its thing.

  4. Small img00958 20110428 2205 1304045962

    Mix in the lipstick real good, try to do this quick before the jelly hardens.

  5. Small img00959 20110428 2206 1304046030

    Add a couple shakes of pumpkin spice, and a few drops of vanilla. I accidentally put in more than several drops of vanilla but that's okay. If you don't have pumpkin spice just use cinnamon. If it begins to harden before you can mix it properly just nuke it for another minute give or take.

  6. Small img00960 20110428 2207 1304046387

    Add a not full spoon of sugar for a sweet taste...I'm not exactly sure if this worked because I haven't tried it yet. If it doesn't work, it doesn't hurt to have it in there anyway. Put the mix back into the microwave if it hardens, if you can't mix it fast enough.

  7. Small img00961 20110428 2210 1304046502

    Pour into the smaller caps. Depending if you are patient enough or not, put the caps into the fridge for about 5 minutes give or take. I filled them to the top.

  8. Small img00964 20110428 2217 1304046614

    BAM. You have lip balm. Be careful putting the bigger caps on just in case so you don't squeeze out the balm putting the caps on or off.