Probably A Couple Of The Best Bags In The World!

Cannie Recycling!

Posted by SuperCool and Really Trendy


When I make something I like to see if I CAN make my design any better! Which means I am always changing things!
I then put things aside and work on other stuff, but CAN find myself returning to things I have done b4 when an idea POPS into my head!
I started off making my bags with just duck tape.
I didn't use a laminator, I did it the same way as I did when fusing my plastic bags in one of my other projects.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 Tin Cutters
  • 6 Approx Empty Drink Tins Can
  • 2 Approx Laminate Pockets
  • Iron
  • 1 Duct Tape
  • Handle(s) Made From Funky Foam