• Posted by GinaHouse
This scarf is the epitome of Pink Girly Sparkle. The basket weave pattern is easy to memorize, while the addition of the sequin yarn gives it the perfect, fun look. Designed with a young person in mind, the length is adjusted to fit a school age child. You can easily knit the scarf longer (or wider) if you’d like it in an adult size.
This scarf is the epitome of Pink Girly Sparkle. The basket weave pattern is easy to memorize, while the addition of the sequin yarn gives it the perfect, fun look. Designed with a young person in mind, the length is adjusted to fit a school age child. You can easily knit the scarf longer (or wider) if you’d like it in an adult size.
1. Body of Scarf: Loosely CO 20 sts* using the long tail cast on method (or method of your choice). *TIP: If you would like to make the scarf wider, cast on a multiple of 8 sts + 4 and use the same instructions, only adding additional repeats as you go along the row. You can easily make the scarf longer by adding another set of 4 rows of the basket weave stitch. You will need extra yarn for either option.
2. Follow the Basket Weave Stitch (A) for 4 rows and then follow with Basket Weave Stitch (B) for 4 more rows. Repeat A and B until 71 repeats of the Basket Weave Stitch (multiple of 8 sts + 4) are completed. (284 rows total)
Basket Weave Stitch (A): Row 1 (RS): (k4, p4)2x, k4 Row 2 (WS): (p4, k4)2x, p4 Repeat Rows 1 and 2 TWO times - 4 rows total. Basket Weave Stitch (B): Row 1 (RS): (p4, k4)2x, p4 Row 2 (WS): (k4, p4)2x, k4 Repeat Rows 1 and 2 TWO times - 4 rows total.
3. Finishing: BO loosely in pattern. Cut yarn, leaving a 4” (10 cm) tail, fasten off. Weave in all ends.
4. Fringe: (Optional, but awesome. Don’t be intimidated by the amount of yarn for the fringe. It doesn’t take long at all after you’ve gotten them cut. You can do it!) Cut (72) 12” pieces of EACH yarn - 144 strands of yarn total. 36 strands of EACH yarn (72 strands total) for each end. You’ll be holding 4 strands of yarn together (2 of the wool, 2 of the novelty yarn) for each section of fringe. There will be 9 sections of fringe on each end of the scarf. Begin at one end of the scarf. Hold 2 strands of the wool yarn and 2 strands of the novelty yarn in one hand. Fold the strands in half lengthwise, making a loop on one end. Place your crochet hook (from underneath to front of scarf) into edge of the fabric (where there is an open space) and grab the loop of 4 strands of yarn. Pull the loop partially through the opening. Then, keeping the hook in the loop, use the hook to grab all 4 of the strand ends through the loop, pulling on the ends to finish the section of fringe. Continue along the entire edge 9 times total. Repeat on the other side. Trim to desired length. NOTE: I usually begin with the left side, add one on the right side and then one in the center. After that, I add fringe in between those sections. In this case, there will be three more sections of fringe between the edge and center fringe.