Cut Out + Keep

Pretty Luau Hair Clip

Just a little something • Posted by Kitten Luna

So my niece was having a Luau for her birthday and I decided the stuff I found at the stores was just not as pretty, or interesting, or something..... for me. So I bought a couple leis (for like a dollar each). Came home and got to work.... And this is what came out. =) Please let me know what you think ^__^

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium editdscf0542 1242116375


So my niece was having a Luau for her birthday and I decided the stuff I found at the stores was just not as pretty, or interesting, or something..... for me. So I bought a couple leis (for like a dollar each). Came home and got to work.... And this is what came out. =) Please let me know what you think ^__^
