• Posted by darcy.l.allan
Pom poms are super easy and fun to make. This is a great project for adults as well as children! Add as much color, go as big and bold as you want + mix and match yarns.
Pom poms are super easy and fun to make. This is a great project for adults as well as children! Add as much color, go as big and bold as you want + mix and match yarns.
Choose yarn of choice and headband of choice. You can also mix + match yearn color and thicknesses. I find thicker, acrylic yarn works best for pom poms. With thinner yarns, you tend to need more as well as it is difficult to achieve a nice pom figure.
wind the yarn around your fingers. If you're looking for a more demure, smaller pom pom, use less. If you want a giant, bold statement looking pom, wind more. Just don't wind too tightly or you may cut off your cicrulation!
remove bundle from fingers carefully,making sure not to ruffle up the yarn. Keep nicely in little bundle and tie additional piece of yarn around the bundle. You should have something that looks similar to a bow. ( think lady gaga hair bow)
Being careful not to cut the middle yarn you've tied around the middle, ( I always hold onto it) cut looped sides.
Give a shake and then trim as needed/desired.
Tie + glue pom poms to headband where desired! Fill the whole band to make a crown or just stick to one spot.