Cut Out + Keep

"Pretty Domestic" Handmade Cards

Laundry In heels! hand made cards give that personal touch • Posted by belle

This card series was inspired by a small swatch of fabric that I have had for 3 years and some oil cloth that I have been hanging on to as well. The inside is lined withan old navy paper bag. Inspiration can come from little forgotten things.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium dog pd 1203470198 Medium flower 1203470258 Medium clothes line 1203470276 Medium ironingironing 1203470313 Medium insde card pretty 1203561306


This card series was inspired by a small swatch of fabric that I have had for 3 years and some oil cloth that I have been hanging on to as well. The inside is lined withan old navy paper bag. Inspiration can come from little forgotten things.
