• Posted by Lau5ren
I needed something cute to put on my nasty door, and I came up with this, there is so many ways to personalize to your taste and personality as well as the room the sign is welcoming :)
I needed something cute to put on my nasty door, and I came up with this, there is so many ways to personalize to your taste and personality as well as the room the sign is welcoming :)
Okay so first you will need a plaque, I got mine from hobby lobby for $1.27, it was a medium sized one. Sand any edges that need to be sanded and take any stickers off.
Now slap a coat of paint on using any craft acrylic paint, I chose a sea green. You may also try to coordinate the plant colors with the color of the plaque.
Now while the paint is drying, get your plants together!! Whatever you like, my second choice of plant was to press dried dandelion seeds from the larger dandelions, I thought that would be super cute :) So press them or have them on hand.
Once the paint is done drying and you plants are pressed, you can carefully glue them onto your plaque, first MAKE sure the paint is all the way dry, not sort of dry!! Plan out how you would like to arrange them and get white glue or mod podge. Put a little down and carefully put the plant on, if you are not careful the petals and such will brake off, like mine did!! And also, pick a good paint brush or hairs will come off into the glue, as you can also see... Once that is dry, put a coat over the plant, carefully!
Now that paint and glue is dry you can sketch out what is going on your plaque with pencil, make sure not to do it to dark or you will not be able to erase it off. If you are good, get working with the sharpie and skip the pencil. I am not so good, so pencil it was. I wrote "wonderland" carefully in pencil and went over it in sharpie pen. I then erased most of the pencil marks that I could. Now find a big jump ring, Once I did this I put the nail in the door to hang it up.
Be careful when flipping it over as to not knock off delicate plants. Take the large jump ring and put glue around half of it, I used tacky, and stick it to the middle of the back of your plaque, wait to dry.
Now you have a beautiful personalized plaque fit for any room, I love comments and will be happy to answer any questions!!! I hope you like it ") And also, this is a LOT more blue then it actually is in real life :)