Cut Out + Keep

Pouch For Ipod Nano

Based on Pouch For Ipod Nano by Petchy • Posted by Laura C.

My first try didn't work out too well xD It was made of fabric that's not quite right for a pouch like this. But that's what a first try is for! This is my second try and I really like it! (My sewing is getting better ='D) Omg! I managed to sew a buttonhole!

You will need


0 h 40


Medium sp a0132 1252740287 Medium sp a0133 1252740301 Medium sp a0134 1252740330 Medium sp a0135 1252740338 Medium sp a0136 1252740348


My first try didn't work out too well xD It was made of fabric that's not quite right for a pouch like this. But that's what a first try is for! This is my second try and I really like it! (My sewing is getting better ='D) Omg! I managed to sew a buttonhole!
