Posiden Costume (For Costume Hating Men)
OH but baby you would look so cute in a toga!!!!
Posted by AttackCat
I couldn't understand why my boyfriend would not let me put him in a toga for the Halloween masquerade party! But i respected his wishes and worked around it. Meet the god and goddess of earth and sea!!!
This is a very simple project and is something costume haters can still wear.
You Will Need (3 things)
- old Dress from thrift shop
- T Shirt
- Clothes
Steps (4 steps, 300 minutes)
First thing you need to do is gather your materials.
-White shirt (goodwill)
-Blue/Green Tie-die kit (craft store)
-Large Decorative Net (Party City)
-Beige Pants
-Cheap Devil Pitchfork (Party city $2)
-Gold Plastic Spray paint (make sure it is for plastic! I didn't and it started to chip.)
-Shells with Holes in them (beach or craft store)
-Crown (My man wouldn't wear a crown so I added it into his mask) -
To make the shirt you should have a tie-die kit with three different shades of blue and maybe some green.
Lay the shirt out flat on the grass and apply 1/4 of the darkest die to the top 1/4 of the shirt. Then mix in the middle shade of blue to make the bottle full again and die some more. keep mixing the die's causing a fading affect to the bottom.
With the pants the shade of sand it will appear the water gets deeper and darker the farther away from the shore.
Take a decorative net from party city and drape it over one shoulder and under the other arm. Cut wear they meat and tie up the pieces to close making it a sash of sorts. Trim to desired length.
Next take your shells and sew them to the net in various places. Use different shapes and colors.
Spray paint your pitchfork gold to make it a trident and pit on the crown.
You are now ready to rule the sea and keep your manly reputation!!