Cut Out + Keep

Portable Idea Dispenser

Based on Portable Idea Dispenser by • Posted by .cleobite.

I made this dispenser for my boyfriend, so it's filled with love quotes and cute messages. I used a very ugly postcard I had in my "recycle box" and painted it with acrylics. * gave it to him yesterday, he wanted to read the whole thing at once!

You will need


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 08112010376 1289404420 Medium 08112010377 1289404433 Medium 08112010383 1289404517


I made this dispenser for my boyfriend, so it's filled with love quotes and cute messages. I used a very ugly postcard I had in my "recycle box" and painted it with acrylics. * gave it to him yesterday, he wanted to read the whole thing at once!
