Cut Out + Keep

Pop Tab Purse Yarn

Insert Short snappy description Here... • Posted by Mindy

2nd Poptab purse i've made. Figured i'd use yarn as it wouldn't fray as easily as hemp. i was wrong. It turned out MUCH looser than the hemp purse, and is sort of floppy like chainmail. Also, used straight stitches instead of X's as on the last one. (i made it for my mum, so it's yellow and purple.)

You will need

Project Budget


4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscf3029 1266730146


2nd Poptab purse i've made. Figured i'd use yarn as it wouldn't fray as easily as hemp. i was wrong. It turned out MUCH looser than the hemp purse, and is sort of floppy like chainmail. Also, used straight stitches instead of X's as on the last one. (i made it for my mum, so it's yellow and purple.)
