• Posted by Divya N.
Best made with a macrame based scrunchie or pony tail holder thats got cord ribbon and beads in it
Best made with a macrame based scrunchie or pony tail holder thats got cord ribbon and beads in it
Select a beaded pony tail holder or srunchie - mine was woven with a satin ribbon; soft, intricate looking ones with macramé are the best Carefully cut out the elastic without damaging the hairband. Snip one end of the band Pull and flatten the band, knot he edges if required to keep it from unraveling
Pick one end of the ribbon, insert it into the eye of a eyepin and knot. Weave the extra through the band and secure with a dab of hot glue or fevi bond. Repeat the same for the other side. Using your pliers (preferably round nose pliers) make a loop on the other end of the eye pins. Add a jump ring and close. Open another eye pin and attach it to the previously added jump ring and close, look the other side and add another jump ring. Continue with this process on both sides until your necklace reaches its required length. I used 3 eyepins on each side. Using the contrast ribbon, make a small bow. Singe the ribbon edges (by showing it in a candle flame) if required Glue the bow to one end of the neck piece just before the rings begin Add a couple of jump rings and a clasp to finish the necklace