Cut Out + Keep

Pom Pom Collar

Understated Pom Pom Chic • Posted by Wardrobe Conversations

Add a little bit of pom pom to your outfit with this cute collar DIY.

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0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 114107 2f2016 04 29 143552 diy01 Medium 114107 2f2016 04 29 145533 pompomkim14


Add a little bit of pom pom to your outfit with this cute collar DIY.


  1. Small 114107 2f2016 04 29 143733 diy06

    Gather all your materials. You can use a ready made collar, cut up an old shirt or just use a whole shirt. You can also match your poms to the colour of the shirt or use a contracting colour.

  2. Small 114107 2f2016 04 29 143808 diy07

    Starting at the tip of the collar, tie a knot in the end of your thread and take your needle through the fabric from back to front. Pop your first pompom onto your needle and push it through.

  3. Small 114107 2f2016 04 29 143823 diy09

    Take the stitch back through the fabric from front to back. You can do this a couple of times to make sure the pom is super secure.

  4. Small 114107 2f2016 04 29 143842 diy10

    Add your next pom and secure it on just the same.

  5. Small 114107 2f2016 04 29 143907 diy11

    Keep on adding as many poms as you like. You can go for a triangle collar tip look like you see here or you can go crazy and cover the whole thing!

  6. Small 114107 2f2016 04 29 143948 diy13

    Tie off the end of your thread and cut off the excess thread.

  7. Small 114107 2f2016 04 29 144011 diy14

    Ta da! You're all done. Pop your collar under a fun jumper and get ready to shake your pom poms!