glossy clay
I made these last Christmas.
the first is inspired by a teapot ornament I saw on craftsbits. I made up a few more, but my dog kept swiping the parts before I had a chance to put them together :P this is the only one that survived to the glueing stage!
the 2nd is inspired from an ornament Carol Duvall had on her show. you can't make it out very well on the tree, but there's a transparency inside that says "snowballs 4 sale".
the last 2 are inspired from some wrapping paper I had a few years back. they were supposed to be gift tags, but I decided against it and they ended up on my tree.
I'm hoping to do some more polymer clay ornaments this year, but I will probably run out of time :P I love how the clay looks after ya dip it in a clear coat!
Teresa T. favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 28 Nov 11:27
Rob J. favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 23 Sep 10:54
Fred James favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 20 Mar 08:30
Rebecca M. favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 10 Jan 15:52
sharon s. favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 07 Apr 06:16
meg s. commented on Polymer Clay Ornaments 01 May 01:04
meg s. favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 01 May 01:03
deb.mathenia favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 22 Feb 02:29
Lorraine E. added Polymer Clay Ornaments to Things the kids would love 23 Dec 21:28
Melody S. favorited Polymer Clay Ornaments 04 Dec 14:36
Candice C. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
I think it's SOOOOO cute!