Polymer Clay Glitter Pendant Tutorial
Step 1
Select colors of clay to create a custom blend. Cut two portions of one color to allow for a second color blend for accent later. Here I'm using a fuchsia that I've cut two pieces of, one of which I'll set aside at first, as well as a silver pearl, a hot pink, and a translucent clay. The translucent won't necessarily change the color as much as the opacity of the clay, and since we're going to be adding glitter, a little translucent helps the glitter to show through.
Step 2
Now it's time to begin conditioning the clay for pliability. Stack all but the second chunk of fuchsia into a lump, pushing the layers together to push out air bubbles. Place the whole thing into a small plastic bag to protect the clay and your clothing or furniture, then use your body heat to warm the clay. I usually sit on it or put it in the pit of my knee or arm while I'm setting up the rest of my area. You can alternatively dice the clay up with a clay blade and work the clay bits back together, which I'll show you in another tutorial.
Step 8
Cut a hole to hang your pendant using a coffee straw. Smooth the edges of the back of the hole for comfort of wearing and clean lines. Smooth the edges of the pendant lightly with your fingertips, and carefully buff out any finger prints left behind with light finger pressure or a smooth tool.