Polymer Clay Companion Cube Pendant
The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Companion Cube cannot speak. In the event that the Companion Cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.
Posted by MaybeAViking
Based on the Weighted Companion Cube from the game Portal, by Valve Studios! Made for a gamer friend's birthday. The process is very simple. Mix the colored clay until it's the right shade of gray and pink, roll out each lump of clay to desired thickness, cut out the shapes (the pink part for the lines is the base, a pink square in the back, next is the dark gray pieces, then the light gray), assemble them, push the jewelry wire loop into the unbaked clay, then bake or boil according to package instructions.
You Will Need (2 things)
- Jewelry Wire
- Polymer Clay