Cut Out + Keep

Polymer Clay Chocopie

^^ • Posted by Ammelanoleuca

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium rscn1353 1288838079 Medium rscn1354 1288838104



  1. Small dscn1325 1288838180

    Make 2 circles with the cream colored clay and 1 circle with the white colored clay

  2. Small rscn1330 1288838210

    Sandwich the white clay in between the cream colored clay

  3. (OPTIONAL) Put wires to make charm in between sandwich. Put one on each half, on opposite sides (see image on next step)

  4. Small dscn1331 1288838442

    Roll out chocolate colored clay and put thin layer over the 'cake' and 'marshmallow' sandwich

  5. Small rscn1334 1288838449

    Slice in half

  6. Small rscn1338 1288838512

    Poke small holes with a pin to make a cake effect on the cake part of the clay. Make sure not to get any holes on the chocolate or marshmallow.

  7. Small rscn1336 1288838850

    You could also use the rounded top of a pin to make a bumpy, frosting chocolate effect

  8. Small rscn1355 1288838741

    Bake according to clay packaging directions Done!! :)