Cut Out + Keep

Polka Dot

Red and dots :) • Posted by Maja

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00189 1316954270 Medium dsc00192 1316954281 Medium dsc00193 1316954286



  1. Small 1 1316954444

    For the start you will need polka dot t shirt...I have used an old one but you can find them easily and for almost nothing :) Then find a t shirt that fits you on the desired level :) At the end you will need red material and some string... at the beginning white for stitching and then red for the sewing machine

  2. Small 2 1316954618

    Place your t shirt on the old one and trace it with 1cm distance... then cut the old t shirt on the traced lines

  3. Small 3 1316954698

    Cut the red material in to stripes and attach them to the cut material that will be placed on the t shirt as sleeves. Do the same for the central part and on the edges of the t shirt... as on the pic. :)

  4. Small 4 1316954873

    Attach two stripes of red material on the front side :) This will make you t shirt visible more appealing but you don't have to if you think its too much... I liked it :)

  5. Small dsc00195 1316955083

    Cut a round shape on the bottom of the t shirt... place a red material underneath... remember it has to bee bigger than the circle... secure it with white thread and firm it by machine... use a red thread for this :) Take off the red thread... from all parts that you put them to :) and thats that :)