Cut Out + Keep

Polka Dot Planter

A cute way to liven up your summertime patio! • Posted by MagicalGirlMaya

Using the wine cork as a stamp just sort of came to me whenever I was looking for something to use to decorate the sides. I think it would have worked better if it hadn’t been so smooth, but I don’t really have any wine corks lying around with a lot of texture to them, so I made due. I like how irregular it made everything look though. I’m not really one for perfection. I’ve also seen people etching things out of their wine corks and using that as a stamp, but I don’t have that kind of meticulous skill.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 109574 2f2015 06 26 124501 img 6776


Using the wine cork as a stamp just sort of came to me whenever I was looking for something to use to decorate the sides. I think it would have worked better if it hadn’t been so smooth, but I don’t really have any wine corks lying around with a lot of texture to them, so I made due. I like how irregular it made everything look though. I’m not really one for perfection. I’ve also seen people etching things out of their wine corks and using that as a stamp, but I don’t have that kind of meticulous skill.


  1. Small 109574 2f2015 06 26 124754 img 6770

    Start by painting your planter with whatever you have. I used spray paint because I wanted something fast drying.

  2. Small 109574 2f2015 06 26 125546 img 6776

    Then figure out your stencil/stamp that you want to use. I actually used the bottom of a wine cork to make polkadots all over mine and paired the light pink of the planter with a gold paint for the dots.

  3. Small 109574 2f2015 06 26 125552 img 6778

    Then just let it dry and you’re done!