• Posted by Rebecca M.
so i had a bunch of scrap material after making my little cousin a quilt and so i got creative. obviously it cant be used as a REAL bikini since fleece is hugely water absorbent and will just suck everything up and then hang off. yuck. but i think its cute and since i dont swim it seems landworthy. a friend suggested it could be sleepwear so who knows. made the pattern by just holding it to me and measuring. sleeping on it then adding more stuff the next day.
so i had a bunch of scrap material after making my little cousin a quilt and so i got creative. obviously it cant be used as a REAL bikini since fleece is hugely water absorbent and will just suck everything up and then hang off. yuck. but i think its cute and since i dont swim it seems landworthy. a friend suggested it could be sleepwear so who knows. made the pattern by just holding it to me and measuring. sleeping on it then adding more stuff the next day.