• Posted by Lauren
This ring is made from some simple items, but looks very effective! It's definitely the perfect accessory for any devoted Pokémon fan! I used a simple white button I had lying around and some very cheap nail varnish I found at a local beauty store. I don't own any rights - I'm just a Pokémon fan.
This ring is made from some simple items, but looks very effective! It's definitely the perfect accessory for any devoted Pokémon fan! I used a simple white button I had lying around and some very cheap nail varnish I found at a local beauty store. I don't own any rights - I'm just a Pokémon fan.
Take a piece of masking tape, and wrap it around your button, dividing the button into two equal sides. One side should be completely covered by tape. Make sure that the tape is stuck down flat, especially if your button has ridges.
Paint the uncovered side with red nail varnish. Be careful to keep the colour and thickness even everywhere. This may take a few coats, so paint over it as many times as you like, but don't make it TOO thick, and make sure to leave it to dry between coats.
After the red nail varnish has dried completely, remove the masking tape. Get two more pieces of marking tape and cover both sides of the button, with the tape running parallel to the line you have formed. Make sure that a reasonable gap is left between the two pieces of tape. Paint black nail varnish into the gap and leave to dry.
Once again, remove the tape. So far, you should have a button looking like the one on the far left.
Very carefully, paint a black circle in the middle of your button. This can be fairly tricky to get perfect, so use a thin brush or even a tooth pick.
Once the black circles have dried, use the silver marker to draw a circle inside of it. Other nail varnish or paint can be used to do this - I just had metallic markers lying around and wanted to test them out.
Using epoxy glue, stick your ring base to the back of the button. Be sure to line it up with the black line, so it lies straight on your finger.
Wear your Pokéring with pride and go catch 'em all.