• Posted by KelliDroze
Mine is based off of the comic book version, not Uma Thurman in "Batman and Robin", although lets face it, she's a badass. I bought my leaves from dollar tree, it'll be much more expensive if you don't! Sorry about the pictures! I never think of it till after :c *The time is wrong, although if you work 72 hours straight you probably could! hahah
Mine is based off of the comic book version, not Uma Thurman in "Batman and Robin", although lets face it, she's a badass. I bought my leaves from dollar tree, it'll be much more expensive if you don't! Sorry about the pictures! I never think of it till after :c *The time is wrong, although if you work 72 hours straight you probably could! hahah
FOR THE BODY SUIT: black strapless leotard green thread/needle leaves
Hand sew leaves onto the body suit *If you do it by machine the leotard won't be able to stretch *Closely together to avoid gapping *You'll have to go back and fill in gaps later *Try it on first so you don't go too low - it'll itch if you do. ***Glue most likely won't hold as well, so only do if you're planning on not wearing it long or for gaps, like I did.
This will take forever, I highly suggest partially pawning it off on willing friends/family or doing it while watching T.V.
For the shoes (if not green): *cheap shoes with a cute shape (Mine were a purple gold snakeskin monstrosity from goodwill) *Tape *Plastic Wrap *Red and Green paint *Newspaper
Set up newspaper outside to paint on. Tape area of your shoes you don't want painted, I wanted my bottoms red (it makes me feel fancy haha) Fill your shoes with crumbled up newspaper so they don't get painted Spray paint greeen
If you want the bottoms red: Wait till green paint dries Tape plastic wrap over the green to avoid getting as much red on it. Spray paint red and lean on something to dry *You risk altering the shade of green on the shoes, but I think it looks better with the different shades
Go over any Red that permeated your barrier by A) Spraying shoes again OR B) spraying large amounts of green spray paint onto a magazine, then using a paint brush to paint over the red spots
If you have elastic on your shoes like me, sew a large ivy leaf over it.
For gloves: .5 yards of green fabric (just to be safe) small Ivy leaves Elastic thread
Cut fabric into 2 equal pieces measuring from the base of your middle finger to wherever you want the glove to end
Sew into a tube shape measuring around your forearm flip the tube inside out Hem the top of the glove
Tuck the unfinished edges near the wrist into a triangular shape. ^ *The bottom of the glove will look like a V Stitch down raw edges.
Stitch an elastic ring to the tip of the triangle *this goes around the middle finger
Take veins off of the fake leaves and glue onto gloves as you please
For hair clip: *2 or 3 ivy leaves of different sizes *bobby pin *Hot glue
The is most likely self explanatory, buuuut: Glue the leaves to eachother in a pattern of your choice *Must overlap a bit
Glue this piece to the bobbby pin divide the two prongs after so they don't stay glued together
Lips: 1)Exfoliate lips 2)apply chapstick 3)apply lipstick 4)blot 5)Repeat 3 and 4 till you reach your desired shade
Eyeshadow: I suggest following one of the wicked eyeshadow tutorials on here instead of taking my advice. All I can tell you is use green hahah
Put it all together (with the tights) and you've finished this extremely long tutorial. Thank you for sticking with it if you did! c: