• Posted by Pepper Toast
This is just my attempt at the pointy kitty. My first one is the big purple fleece one and it's kinda eh. The second one was the miniature purple one with button eyes. I am quite proud of that. The last one I made out of a stretchy material which could account for why it isn't as good. That and I attached the head kinda bad. -.- Ah but there's the kitty family! Almost matches my platypi family. ^^
This is just my attempt at the pointy kitty. My first one is the big purple fleece one and it's kinda eh. The second one was the miniature purple one with button eyes. I am quite proud of that. The last one I made out of a stretchy material which could account for why it isn't as good. That and I attached the head kinda bad. -.- Ah but there's the kitty family! Almost matches my platypi family. ^^