• Posted by Chuckee
I like to slip things into my pocket on the off-chance that they might serve my creativity. One of my long-time favorite obsessions is flawed hardwares (ranks right up with broken glass and bits of wood), and being that I work in a furniture factory these days, I have handfuls of flawed screws, bent washers and broken bolts. I sincerely doubt that these'll make much of an impression on most people... I grew up around tools and hardware, and I had never seen one of these before.
I like to slip things into my pocket on the off-chance that they might serve my creativity. One of my long-time favorite obsessions is flawed hardwares (ranks right up with broken glass and bits of wood), and being that I work in a furniture factory these days, I have handfuls of flawed screws, bent washers and broken bolts. I sincerely doubt that these'll make much of an impression on most people... I grew up around tools and hardware, and I had never seen one of these before.