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Plushie Toast Jam Keychain Version

Based on Plush Toast Keychain by aiwa • Posted by Linvie

Loved Aiwas Project and made my own, but changed the face and added some jam using some fabric painty stuff :3 Named: Ichigo Daiou :D Strawberry Rhubarb cos thats my favourite kind of jam k >_< made while listening to: Bruises & Bitemarks by good with grenades AND Lucifer By SHINee

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0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium picture 4 1304474889 Medium picture 2 1304475025 Medium picture 3 1304475410


Loved Aiwas Project and made my own, but changed the face and added some jam using some fabric painty stuff :3 Named: Ichigo Daiou :D Strawberry Rhubarb cos thats my favourite kind of jam k >_< made while listening to: Bruises & Bitemarks by good with grenades AND Lucifer By SHINee
