Plectrum Necklace
Cute Punk Music Plectrum Necklace
Posted by Popsicali
Sorry in advance i haven't got any pics of while i was making it. But i will do my best to tell you how i made it.
Sorry if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you have any questions ill be happy to answer them.
You Will Need (7 things)
- 1 Old Necklace
- 1 Key Ring
- 1 Plectrum
- Acrylic Paint
- Thin Paint Brush
- Small Flat Head Screwdriver
- Needle Nose Pliers
Steps (5 steps, 40 minutes)
First, Get all the things on the you will need list.
I brought the plectrum from a music shop. Make sure its not too flimsy as it will break when your making a hole in it later.
I got the necklace chain from an old rope type necklace and just took the pendant off.
I used an old keyring. It had a triangular link between the actual key ring and the pendant.
Next, Turn the plectrum round if it has a brand name on so your on the plain side and place it on a peice of wood. Take the small flat-headed screwdriver and as well as applying pressure, turn the screwdriver steadly into the plectrum.
*note* Turning the plectrum around is optional based on if you want to see the brand name or want to draw your own thing onto the plectrum. If you are NOT painting onto the plectrum then skip step 3 after this step.
Paint on any design of your choice onto the plain side of the plectrum using a thin paintbrush and any colour acrylic paint.
I recommend you practice drawing your design out on paper first.
Let the paint dry.
Take the keyring with a middle link and remove the link from the keyring and pendant with the pliers. Do this by opening the gap just enough to get it off.
Thread the link through the hole in the plectrum then use the pliers to close up the hole around the necklace.
Feel free to use any other alternatives.
Finally Wear the necklace or put it in an old necklace box and give it to somebody as a gift.