Playing With Dolls.

Sew yourself some new friends!

Posted by HighPlaces


Be creative with different fabrics and yarn. Ive also made a fairy, a mermaid, and a hippie :P


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Thread
  • Needle
  • Button(s)
  • Fabric
  • Polyfill
  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue Gun

Steps (10 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get all of your materials ready to go!

  2. 2

    Start by making a ball of yarn. Then cut a circle of fabric, and place the yarn ball in the center.

  3. 3

    Next cut a piece of yarn. Wrap the fabric around the ball of yarn then tie if off.

  4. 4

    Cut off the extra fabric leaving a small amount to tuck into the body. Then add buttons for eyes. ( I hot glued mine but you could just sew them on.)

  5. 5

    Cut lengths of yarn for hair and hot glue to the head in rows starting from the top and working your way down to create thickness.

  6. 6

    Cut out the body parts and pin the pieces together.

  7. 7

    whip stitch around the edges of your pieces. leaving a small section open to stuff with polyfill. once stuffed sew the opening shut. Do this with all arms and legs.

  8. 8

    Leave an opening at the neck of the body to put the head threw. Sew the head in. Do the same for the arm holes. Fill the body then sew the legs on.

  9. 9

    Create some clothes for your doll! Give her some unique style.. You can even make a whole wardrobe so she can have lots of different outfits.

  10. 10

    Ta-Da you're done! These cute dolls are great as gifts!