Cut Out + Keep

Playing Card Purse

AWESOME PURSE OUT OF PLAYING CARDS!!!! Hence the name! • Posted by Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

I went to Chapters the other day to get gifts for my friends but I forgot one! (Sorry Sara!!!) Anyway I needed to make her something so I checked out some tutorials on Cut Out and Keep and I found "Trading Card Tote" by Zombie Soup. That was my inspiration for this! :) Hope you like it!

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1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium photo on 12 12 02 at 5.25 pm Medium img 0938 Medium photo on 12 12 02 at 5.29 pm  3 Medium photo on 12 12 02 at 5.29 pm Medium img 0938


I went to Chapters the other day to get gifts for my friends but I forgot one! (Sorry Sara!!!) Anyway I needed to make her something so I checked out some tutorials on Cut Out and Keep and I found "Trading Card Tote" by Zombie Soup. That was my inspiration for this! :) Hope you like it!


  1. Small photo on 12 12 02 at 5.25 pm

    Grab a deck of cards and figure out how you're going to lay it out. I chose 2x4 for the front, back, and bottom.

  2. Small img 0939

    For the sides I chose 2x3.

  3. Small img 0941

    FRONT: I just lay them out and taped them together on both sides. It's kind of hard to do them all at once, so I suggest you tape two together by themselves, and them tape them on to another pair. Make sure you cover the whole thing, so then it's waterproof and strong.

  4. Then, once you finish making 4 pairs and taping them together, make two more like it. These will be the back and the bottom. (Sorry, no pic!)

  5. SIDES: Well, it's pretty obvious, isn't it? This time just make three pairs. Then tape them. Make two of these (one per side, duh!)

  6. Small img 0942

    ASSEMBLY: (Since I don't have anymore cards to use I shall be demonstrating with books) Put the bottom in the middle ( this case it would be wonderstruck...a good book. You should read it!), the bottom on the top (Neil Flambe), the front on the bottom (Harry Potter! WOOHOO!!), and the sides on, well, the sides. (The Serpent's Shadow and The Search for Wondla). Then fold them up and tape the edges together! This should make a rectangular thingy with a bottom (a.k.a. a BOXXXXX!!!!)

  7. Small img 0945

    Put velcro on the insides of the box. (yes my cards have bugs bunny on the back of them. No laughing.)

  8. Small img 0948

    Tape string (or ribbon) on the inside sides (hehe that sounded weird...)

  9. Small img 0946

    Put stuff in and velcro it up!

  10. Small img 0947

    Then turn it around....

  11. Small photo on 12 12 02 at 5.25 pm