Plastic Leaf Hair Clip

can you tell it's made of plastic?

Posted by Wing San


I saw an item like this on a website for $16 , so not worth it!! so i tried to make my own. yes, plastic :D I'm not sure if it's sturdy though o.o fav and comment maybe? ^o^


You Will Need (4 things)

  • clear Tape
  • 1 Bobby Pin
  • 1 colored Plastic Bags
  • sharp-ish Scissors

Steps (10 steps, 50 minutes)

  1. 1

    trace a leaf the length of 4 inches and the width of 1

  2. 2

    trace the leaf on the plastic bag with a sharpie , you need ten leafs.
    then cut out all the leaves

  3. 3

    take four and tape them together, this will be the bottom layer

  4. 4

    add two more and tape them on, this is the second layer

  5. 5

    add the last 3 and tape them on

  6. 6

    cut out one handle from the plastic bag

  7. 7

    open it up and tie a bow

  8. 8

    tape on the bow

  9. 9

    tape a bobby pin to the back

  10. 10

    wear it and enjoy :D
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