• Posted by PIN-UP ^alex^
everyone always uses the aluminum bottle caps, what about the plastic ones??? LET'S RECYCLE and use those plastics bottlecaps!it's a simple project but i have a bunch of these so i wanted to make use of them :)
everyone always uses the aluminum bottle caps, what about the plastic ones??? LET'S RECYCLE and use those plastics bottlecaps!it's a simple project but i have a bunch of these so i wanted to make use of them :)
ok so gather your marterials...PLASTIC BOTTLE CAP, CHAIN, MOD PODGE
now with a sharp object, puncture a hole through the side of the bottle cap...i used my handy dandy pocket knife cork screw part :)
this step is the fun part, you get to decorate your cap any way you want, after you're done remember to cover it in MOD PODGE
you know put the chain through the hole and put it anywhere you'd like...i put mine of my purse..i love it :)