• Posted by SuperCool and Really Trendy
Having attended my college class on Tuesday the tutor made use use shrinking plastic.We then had 2 go home and make some jewelry out of shrinking plastic. But have no cash left to sepend after buying the shrinking plastic off the tutor I discovered you web-site. Spent a couple of hours messing about with just a plastic bottle I decided to turn them into beads of differnt colours. And now I would like to share them all with you. Cathy xxx
Having attended my college class on Tuesday the tutor made use use shrinking plastic.We then had 2 go home and make some jewelry out of shrinking plastic. But have no cash left to sepend after buying the shrinking plastic off the tutor I discovered you web-site. Spent a couple of hours messing about with just a plastic bottle I decided to turn them into beads of differnt colours. And now I would like to share them all with you. Cathy xxx
Wash out and cut plastic bottle into 1 cm strips. Cut 2 point if required.
Colour plastic strips with ink (permanent marker, I added a drip of gold paint). I used felt makers and paint to give the beads more colour
Roll up and hold together in pliers (because it gets hot!). I rolled up the beads and held them in pliers and got ready to use my craft head gun on the plastic bottle to get the bead shape.
Use heat gun to melt and hold together bead shape. I had to hold the plastic strip rooled up in my pliers, which was very hot! The bead shape began to form itself once the plastic was hot!The inks also ran into each other.I allowed my beads to cool.
Here are my plastic bottle beads! Each one is different! And each one gets better the more I do! The ideas are coming thick and fast! I will never throw away anothe plastic bottle! I cannot wait to get my hands on some green ones and Locazade (orange ones!)