Cut Out + Keep

Pistachio Happiness

Based on Pistachio Happiness by KIm A. • Posted by Dreamer D.

It looked so simple but I'm a perfectionist so it took a lot longer for me. Least favorite part was cleaning the shells, followed by fretting about the perfect arrangement of petals. But I love the finished product and re-introduced myself to a hot glue gun. I might paint it later, and/or turn it into a brooch.

You will need


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
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It looked so simple but I'm a perfectionist so it took a lot longer for me. Least favorite part was cleaning the shells, followed by fretting about the perfect arrangement of petals. But I love the finished product and re-introduced myself to a hot glue gun. I might paint it later, and/or turn it into a brooch.
