Cut Out + Keep

Pistachio & Amoretti Cake

Pistachio & Amoretti Cake • Posted by Super Madcow

This is more like a biscuit/cookie than a cake. It is full of nuts & almond flavour. It tastes really good with a cup of tea or coffee.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 113539 2f2016 02 28 212010 wp 20160228 004


This is more like a biscuit/cookie than a cake. It is full of nuts & almond flavour. It tastes really good with a cup of tea or coffee.


  1. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 084604 wp 20160227 001

    Heat oven 180 degrees. Sift flour. Add butter. Rub to make breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar.

  2. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 084621 wp 20160227 002

    Crush amoretti biscuits & pistachios together.

  3. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 084651 wp 20160227 003

    Add to the flour mixture.

  4. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 084717 wp 20160227 004

    Add egg & milk. Mix to combine.

  5. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 084740 wp 20160227 005

    Place in tin. Level out. Bake for 55 mins.

  6. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 084843 wp 20160227 029

    Allow to cool completely.

  7. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 084900 wp 20160227 042

    Melt chocolates. Drizzle over cake.

  8. Small 113539 2f2016 02 28 212055 wp 20160228 002

    Cut & serve.