My friend and I made these last night, they were AWESOME! We made the whole big batch and it was all gone in like 15 minutes at this party we had. It was so funny because the whole time we were going, "What are we doing? This recipe sounds so weird... I'm not sure about this..." and then we tasted it and at the same time we said "That's REALLY good!"
A very recommended recipe
Hmm. Sounds great. Now, do you taste the beer? I, personally, cna't stand the smell of beer let alone the taste but Vodka on the other hand... lol So can you taste the beer or does the juice cover it?
you can get 5 gallon buckets at any hardware store. You can also find them for free a lot, most big restaurants get food items in 5 gallon buckets, or home improvement businesses of any type usually always have them lying around. Just make sure to sanitize.
A very recommended recipe