Pine Cone Skiers

great little Christmas gift ideas

Posted by meg s.


these little pine cone skiers make a cute gift for teachers too....


You Will Need (10 things)

  • Pine Cones
  • Hot Glue
  • Felt
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Tooth Picks
  • Paint
  • Wooden Beads
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Sequins
  • Permanent Marker s

Steps (14 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get all your tools and materials for the project.

  2. 2

    glue the large bead to the pine cone with pine points pointing down

  3. 3

    paint the bead skin tone

  4. 4

    cut the pop cycle stick in half and paint the two pieces white along with both toothpicks white as well.

  5. 5

    when the toothpicks are dried heat up the glue gun and stick one end of the toothpick into the hot glue then stick a sequin on its end and push it up a bit.

  6. 6

    cut a brown pipe cleaner into four one inch pieces.

  7. 7

    cut a strip of felt about half inch by 6 inches and then cun up the ends to look like a scarf and then starting in the center pull the felt outward till just above the cut ends then pull gently the ends so they apear rayed or a bit uneven.

  8. 8

    cut out the gloves and the boots and attach the pipe cleaners. cut out the hat and glue it and add a yarn ball at end.

  9. 9

    glue the boots to the pop cycle sticks

  10. 10

    tie on the scarf I add some hot glue too

  11. 11

    glue the legs with boots and skies onto the pine cone bottom so they are even

  12. 12

    glue the tooth picks with the sequins on the bottom into the glove so it looks like it is holding it.

  13. 13

    glue the arms onto the pine cone and stand it up

  14. 14

    I used a permanent marker to draw on two eyes and a nose