Cut Out + Keep

Pimp Your Clothes Hook

easy and fast way to pimp boring hook with window colour • Posted by

I bought some cheap clothes hooks.They are very good, but so boring :( Today in the morning I went in the garret and found my old window colour set....and I got an idea ;) I painted the hook with windo color :D The advantage is : If I don't like it I can it just move off :D *Sorry for my english *

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium 18 10 10 1740 1287420625 Medium 18 10 10 1738 1287420902


I bought some cheap clothes hooks.They are very good, but so boring :( Today in the morning I went in the garret and found my old window colour set....and I got an idea ;) I painted the hook with windo color :D The advantage is : If I don't like it I can it just move off :D *Sorry for my english *


  1. Just paint it on with window colour :)))