Cut Out + Keep

Pillowcase Nightie

pillowcase in, cutesy babydoll out • Posted by milliebug

I had to stop using my pink sheets when I got married :( Now I can wear 'em instead :)! The lace trim I had was meant for prettying up the hem of my wedding dress.

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Project Budget


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf0675 1200357171


I had to stop using my pink sheets when I got married :( Now I can wear 'em instead :)! The lace trim I had was meant for prettying up the hem of my wedding dress.


  1. 1. Undo the 2 seams of each pillowcase (bottom and side), and open them so that they are rectangles.

  2. 2. Lay the pillowcases on top of each other. The folded over seamed edge (opening when you put a pillow in) is now the "top" of the nightgown.

  3. Small 4228

    3. Trim the sides, making a trapezoid. The basic measurements for mine were 17.5" at the top, gradually increasing to 27.5" at the bottom. I'm a 34" bust and 36" hips, so increase or decrease yours as needed.

  4. Small 4229

    4. I put it on and pinned it to my body. The measurements I ended up with more specifically: -from the top to about 4" down from there, the measurement across was 17.5", then the increase began. -By 14" down it was 22" wide. -At the bottom, it was 27.5" wide.

  5. Small 4230

    5. Lay the pillowcase pieces wrong sides together, and pin and sew up the side seams, with a 5/8" seam allowance. Then, press the seams open.

  6. 6. Hem. I did 1/4" pressed in, then 1/2" hem, for 3/4" total.

  7. Small 4232

    7. Pin and sew the trim over the pre-existing seam of the pillowcase, now right about the middle of the bustline.

  8. Small 4233

    8. Make the straps with the material you cut off of the sides. Mine were 17" long (again, adjust as needed) and 1.5" wide. Fold the strip of material in half lengthwise, and sew a 1/4" seam. Turn right side out. Sew trim over strap.

  9. Small 4234

    9. With the bottom ends of the strap folded under, pin inside the nightgown on top, and sew. In the front, mine were 3.75" from each side, and 5" from each side in the back. Done!