Piano Double Ring

If a zombie had a piano, this would be it.

Posted by Luiza S.


You could also try to make a guitar instead of piano keys, just be creative :)


You Will Need (5 things)

  • colored Marker Pen(s)
  • black Sharpie
  • a piece of Paper
  • a piece of Cardboard
  • 2 Ring Base

Steps (7 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Draw the piano keys on the piece of paper using a pencil ( you can get an image on google if you're not sure about the black keys. I used this http://store.drumbum.com/media/piano-keys-decal.jpg). Overline it using a black pen.

  2. 2

    Glue it to the cardboard. Any kind of glue will do, I used regular white glue.

  3. 3

    Paint the keys that are supposed to be black using the sharpie, wait for it to dry and cover it with a layer of glue.

  4. 4

    When it's dryed out, cut the carboard and the paper to the shape of the ring.(You can make round corners like I did, or just leave them the way they are.)

  5. 5

    Glue the ring bases together and then attach it to the back of the cardboard, being careful to place it on the right position.

  6. 6

    This step is optional:
    You can use yellow, purple, green and pale pink markers to give it a kind of "dead" thing to your ring, you know? I think it adds up a nice touch of rusty.
    Just paint over the white keys( that are covered in dry glue, so the paint shouldn't stick too much) and smudge it with your fingers.

  7. 7

    You are done!!!
    Have fun making your own old piano ring :)