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Pi Bracelet

The most fun you'll ever fing in 3.14159! • Posted by Miss Fit

This bracelet is an ode to my 2 year-advanced honor's algebra math class!

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Pretty Easy
Medium pibracelet 1205626085


This bracelet is an ode to my 2 year-advanced honor's algebra math class!


  1. Take the first thirty digits of Pi, 3.14159265358979323846264338327, and assign a color to each digit. For example, mine is: 1=yellow, 2= green, 3=turquiose, and so on.

  2. Take a piece of masking tape that's 3 or 4 inches long, and fold it over one of the end of your elastic strand.

  3. Start threading on the beads in order from the 3 to the 7 at the end, double-knot, and wear with style!