Cut Out + Keep

Peyote Ring

Peyote Ring Collection • Posted by Beads Unlimited

These rings are quick and easy to make. They all use even count flat peyote. Once you know the stitch the possibilities are endless! In this project we how you how to make the large daisy and leaf ring. All the others are variations on this theme. To make the thinner rings, add 4 beads instead of 6 in the first step.

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These rings are quick and easy to make. They all use even count flat peyote. Once you know the stitch the possibilities are endless! In this project we how you how to make the large daisy and leaf ring. All the others are variations on this theme. To make the thinner rings, add 4 beads instead of 6 in the first step.


  1. Small 14441

    Prepare your needle with about 200cm of nymo doubled up for extra strength. String a black rocaille on the thread and loop through it again, leaving a 15cm tail. Add another 5 black rocailles. These 6 beads will become row 1 and 2. To begin row 3 thread another bead and then pass the needle through the 5th bead of the original 6. Pick up another rocaille then pass the needle through the 3rd bead of the original 6, pick up another rocaille then pass the needle through the 1st bead of the original 6. To turn and make the next row pick up another rocaille then pass needle through bead no.9, pick up another rocaille then pass needle through no.8, pick up another rocaille then pass through no.7. Carry on this way until the beadwork is long enough to go round your finger.

  2. Small 14443

    To join the two ends position them next to each other so they fit together then sew together in a zig zag fashion. Weave the remaining thread through a few beads on the ring tying in several places on the ring’s thread. Sew the tail ends back through a few beads before trimming

  3. Small 14444

    To add a daisy, prepare your needle with another 200cm of thread. Begin as you finished off the ring by passing the thread through several beads on the ring and tie round one of the ring threads. Pick up 6 ruby or gold beads. Pass the thread through the first bead again. Pick up one contrasting colour rocaille and pass the thread through the fourth bead you added. Pull tight and thread through the ring to where you want your next daisy to be. Make as many daisies as you like. To make leaves, simply pick up 6 lime green rocailles. Pass the needle back down through the first bead added and weave through the beads on the ring to where you want the next leaf to be. Finish off as before.

  4. Small 14445

    This is what your finished rings should look like