Cut Out + Keep

Peter Pan Collared Top Transformation!

make a sleeveless top in under 10 minutes! • Posted by Kate P.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf0539 Medium dscf0537



  1. Small dscf0522

    Get the top you want to take the sleeves off, maybe because the sleeves are to short but you still like the design.

  2. Small dscf0523

    Turn it inside out.

  3. Small dscf0524

    Find the seam that joins the sleeves.

  4. Small dscf0528

    Ruffly cut off the sleve

  5. Small dscf0531

    cut right along next to the seam but DO NOT actually cut the seam!!! Then pull it to make any unneat bits curl under.

  6. Small dscf0534

    Do the same for the other sleeve

  7. Small dscf0536

    Then you are all done!!!!!