A plushie based on the game Pet Society on facebook.
So I made this plushie and submitted a picture of it to a contest Playfish was having. They made a game called Pet Society that you can play on facebook. The creatures you make in the game look kinda like this. It was supposed to be for halloween so I was gonna make batwings on the back of it.. But I really liked it as it is. And I wouldn't have had the wings done on time to enter the picture in the contest. So I took my chances with it as is. Sadly didn't win anything. But it was fun to make! And I now have this rad plushie in my collection.
Basically I sewed the arms/legs with my sewing machine and stuffed them. Then pinned the body together and you put the legs inside so the raw seams all meet around the edges. Sewed it up on the sewing machine. Don't sew the top! It needs to be stuffed and the head attached. So I stuffed it. Then I hand sewed the face details on using little bits of fabric I cut out. Sewed the detail on the ears by hand too. Then you make the ears with the machine and stuff them. Then pin them the same way you did the arms/legs. Sew around the head leaving a gap at the bottom where it's gonna go on the body. Turn it out and stuff it. Now you have a puffy head and a puffy body. Then I Hand sewed the two together with as much of a hidden stitch as possible! And there you have it... Was too lazy to do a real how to. But that's the basic confusing directions on making a basic plushie with separate arms and legs... =]
[oh and I use the back end of a rounded art pencil or back end of a paintbrush to help me get the stuffing in all the smaller places]
Swizzed favorited Pet Society Game Plushie 23 May 17:57
Rebekah T. entered their project Pet Society Game Plushie to Cath Kidston's Sew! Contest 12 Nov 11:15
Rebekah T. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!