Personalized Heart Ring Dish
A personalized dish perfect for a wedding or just to catch your jewelry at the end of the day.
Posted by Mandy P // Fabric Paper Glue
This is a simple DIY for a personalized ring dish.
You Will Need (2 things)
- Clay
- Cookie Cutter
Steps (7 steps, 15 minutes)
Materials: Red Oven-Bake Clay, Heart-Shaped Cookie Cutter, Letter Stamps, Rubber Gloves, Rolling Pin, Oven
Roll about half of the clay brick into a ball and flatten to around a 1/4" thickness with a rolling pin.
Use the cookie cutter to cut out a heart. If you don't have a cookie cutter, you can make your own template by drawing/printing out a heart on copy paper, cutting it out, and using it as a guide to cut the clay. A butter knife will do just fine for that.
Gently manipulate the clay to give it some curvature and to smooth out the edges. The gloves just help prevent fingerprints in the clay. You can also use other smooth objects you might have lying around (like a wooden dowel) to help smooth the edges.
Personalize with letter stamps. I put our initials in there.
Bake according to the directions on the clay packaging.
Now load that thing up with rings. Done and done. Mine has a little home by our favorite wedding photo. Romantic, no?